
LFW #1

 そんな中マイペースにLFWまとめいきます HAHAHA :D 

 Mulberry Sep.18th

 Amid balloon animals and pink lemonade.
Kate Moss were there in front of show.

Acne      Sep.18th

 Johansson also played graphic games with color.
This show was very successful for Jonny Johansson's Acne career.

Vivienne Westwood Red Label   sep.17th

 This show was a relatively subdued affair,
according to Style.com's review.
Actually super surprise was nothing,
but this was intimacy style of Vivienne Red label.
it's a lot of  fun xx i guess :)

thanx4 reading ! please clickxxx
にほんブログ村 ファッションブログ モード系へ 


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